allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
右右RS X | | right | - the hand which brings food to the mouth 口; con.: eat 若
| ; 左; 食
喜喜RS X | | rejoice, be glad, joy, delight | - group 口 around the drum 壴, the center of any festival
| 慶 愉 悦 快 娯 嬉 歓; 好
右右RS | | right, west, right-wing | - hand appearing 𠂇 on the right side of something 口 → → 右; the hand 𠂇 that puts things into the mouth 口
若; ; 左; 食
喜喜RS | | like, love, enjoy, joyful thing | - everyone loves singing 口 and making music 壴
| 慶 愉 悦 快 娯 嬉 歓; 好
吉吉RS | | lucky, propitious, good | - RS. the speech 口 of a sage 士
| |
塔塔RS | | tower, spire, tall building | - tower made from clay 土 gathered by all people just like beans 荅
| |
培培RS | | bank up with dirt, cultivate | - person spitting 咅 on freshly planted crops in the banked up soil 土 to water them: cultivate
| |
垢垢RS | | dirt, filth, stains, dirty | - even the quen 后 gets dirty when she walks on earth 土
| |
春春RS X | | spring | - sun 日 rising higher with greater intensity; that's when the camellia 椿 blossoms
| 秋 冬 夏 |
者者RS X | | person | - most persons 耂 work daily 日 on the fields 耂
| 尸 人 ⺼ 口; 煮 都 著 緒 諸 暑
者者RS | | that which, he who, those who, someone, person | - person working on the fields 耂 every day 日; he who does that leads a good life
- RS. the sound of 曰 a burning bush 耂
| 尸 人 ⺼ 口; 煮 都 著 緒 諸 暑
春春RS | 萅𦸬旾𣈤 | spring, lust, wanton | - season where the sun 日 makes plants sprout 丰 with roots like legs 儿: → 春; also the season when lust springs back into life
- sprouts 屮艹 under the sun 日
| 秋 冬 夏 椿 |
替替RS | 㬱暜𤽽𤾕 | change, replace, substitute for | - RS. a man 竝 talking for the other 白
- two men looking the same 㚘 under the sun 日: they can replace each other
| |
索索RS | 𡩡𢱢𥿟 | large rope, cable, rules, laws, to demand, to exact, to search, inquire, isolated | - RS. a string 糸 reinforced on the sides: → 𥿟 → 索: rope limited on the side: rules
| |
輸輸RS 输输 | | transport, carry, haul | - consenting 俞 to be moved be car 車
| 輪 |
刺刺RS | | thorn, pierce, stab, prick, sting, calling card | - thorns 朿 stab like knives 刂
| |
朝朝RS X | | morning, ancient govt. office, morning | - after a long dark night the sun 日 rises with high intensity 十十 overpowering the reign of the moon 月; govt. officials worked only during the morning hours: 酉 御 卸 館 啣; al. : morning: 幹, sunrise: 韓, intense sun heat: 乾
| 旦 東 旭 暁; 府; 潮 廟
朝朝RS | | dynasty, morning | - in the morning the sun 日 overpowers the moon 月 many times 十十 in strength; the shining light of a dynasty overpowers everybody like the sun in the morning
| 旦 東 旭 暁; 府; 潮 廟; 幹 韓 乾
胡胡RS | | recklessly, foolishly, wildly, barbarian, foreign | - reckless behaviour makes a body 月 grow old 古 quick
| |
事事RS X | | thing, matter | - the hand ⺕ which holds the scepter 丨 tells the group 𠮛 the things to be done
| 物 品; 件