allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
餡餡RS 馅馅 | 㗖䭑啖啗噉膁 薟饀𤑃𦡶𨢝 | pastry filling, stuffing, bean jam | - food stuff 飠 used to fill the hole 臽: stuffing
- bean jam fills the holes 臽 after having eaten 飠
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涎涎RS | 㳄㳭㵪湺𠿢𣳧 𣵤𣵿𣶙𣶚𣶛𣶜 𣷜𣹺𨺘 | saliva | - delay 延 while producing water 氵 at the window of a shop: saliva
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訛訛RS 讹讹 | 䚰叱吪譌 | swindle, cheat, erroneous, wrong, accent | - talk 言 that changes 化 the value of something: swindle, usually in the local accent
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拗拗RS | 㑃抝𢰃𢱇𢲷 | bend or twist so as to break | - hand 扌 of the infant 幼: breaking all kinds of stuff
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鯡鯡RS 鲱鲱 | 鮡𩹉 | herring | - fish 魚 flapping it's 非 fins
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紐紐RS 纽纽 | 靵紐𧘥 | knot, button, handle, knob, tie | - clown 丑 tying a rope 糸 into a knot
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蛉蛉RS | 𧕅 | dragonfly, libellulidae | - when you see it a commanding 令 insect 虫
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蜻蜻RS | 䗌𧓔 | dragonfly | - magnificent blue, green or black 青 insect 虫
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覗覗RS | 伺𥄶𬢊 | peek, peep | - director 司 looking 見 round the corner to inspect his subjects: peep
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軈軈RS | | soon after, soon, almost, no more than, after all | - soon after something happens to the body 身 the mind responds like a falcon 應
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鉾鉾RS | 矛𨦜𫓴 | halberd, arms, festival float | | |
柏柏RS | 栢 | cypress, oak | - tree 木 from which white 白 resin is won: cypress
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吠吠RS | 㕱㕹犻𠯈𠲎𤝜 | bark, howl, cry | - sound coming from the mouth 口 of a dog 犬
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呑呑RS | 吞 | swallow, absorb, drink, make light of | - heavenly 夭 drink entering the mouth 口: person drinking makes light of his situation
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焚焚RS | 㷊炃燌燓燔𤆶 | burn, set fire to | | |
梳梳RS | 㧧疏𣐌𣓜𣙳𤴜 | comb, brush | - wooden 木 implement used to comb uncultivated 㐬 hair
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埃埃RS | 㶼垁雉 | fine dust, dirt | - arrow 矣 falling in the ground 土: fine dust
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饉饉RS 馑馑 | 𩞎 | time of famine or crop failure | - when people dig the mud 堇 to find food 飠
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拵拵RS | 𪣋 | make, prepare, manufacture; workmanship, an arrangement | - hand 扌 makes something that continues to exist 存
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儲儲RS 储储 | | save money, store, reserve, an heir | - person saying things 諸 to another person 亻: bank clerk recommending that the client will save money
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