allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
去去RS | | go away, leave, depart | - a man 土 leaving secretly 厶
| 癶 昜; 莫 旡; 経; 法 却
土土RS X | | earth, soil | - ground 一 where many 十 things stand and grow; con. field, place where people live and work, clay, mud; dust: 粧 塩 垢
| 壌; 圭 畑 原 野 田
左左RS X | | left | - hand 𠂇 holding the ruler 工
| 右; 惰 佐
在在RS X | | exist, countryside | - where most people are), to be (place 土 where people 亻 have lived since the time of their ancestors who are now in heaven
| 有 存 居; 郷
在在RS | | exist, be at, in, on; consist in, rest | - something pierced through 才 stays at the same place 土: → 在
| 有 存 居; 郷 |
土土RS | 一 | soil, earth, items made of earth | - person standing on the ground → 土 or tree growing in the soil → 土 groing in the soil
- con. field, place where people live and work, clay, mud, dust
| 粧 塩 垢; 壌; 圭 畑 原 野 田
左左RS | | left, east, unorthodox, improper | - the hand 𠂇 appears on the left side of something 工; working 工 with the left hand only is unorthodox and improper
| 右; 惰 佐 |
士士RS | 𡈼 | scholar, gentleman, soldier, samurai | - modf. 大 big man standing on the ground 一 → 士: samurai with hands spread, barring the way
- con. professional
- good 一 professional man 士: 𡈼
| 侍; 壴 壮 仕; 1442-1477; 妊 任 廷; 壬
士士RS X | | professional man | - samurai, bodyguard, drummer, businessman, thresher, priest; he knows many 十 things but his base 一 is limited
| 侍; 壴 壮 仕; 1442-1477; 𡈼: good professional man 士: 妊 任 廷
埋埋RS | | bury, secrete, conceal | - RS. to bury in the earth 土 in the field 里
| |
壇壇RS 坛坛 | | altar, podium, arena, examination hall | - place 土 where sincere 亶 people speak
- ⓢ place 土 with speech 云
| |
垣垣RS | | low wall, hedge | - ground 土 surrounded by a low wall so you can see the sun rise and go down 亘
| |
壴壴RS | | drum, old musical instrument | - ten 十 drums 豆 next to each other
- big 士 instrument the shape of a steamer 豆
| 鼓 喜 樹 膨
塩塩RS | | salt | - stuff under ground 土 gathered by people 𠂉 used on a plate 皿 in a dish to be eaten by mouth 口
| 盐 |
盛盛RS | | abundant, flourishing, contain, fill | - bowl 皿 becoming 成 filled: a sign of abundancy
| |
彗彗RS | | broomstick, comet | - hand ⺕ holding several branches 丰
- con. sweep
| 雪 |
雄雄RS | | male of species, hero, manly, scold, heroic, brave, triumph, win | - RS. to scold others like a bird 隹 using the hand 厷
| 雌 |
堪堪RS | | sustain, bear, stand, fit for, worthy of | - earth 土 fit for sustaining sweet stones 甚; one has to bear a lot of hardship to unearth them
| |
奮奮RS 奋奋 | | strive, exert effort, arouse, take wing, advance | - RS. like a (big 大) bird spreading its wings 奞 over the field 田: rise in force and advance
- ⓢ modf. 奮 → 奋
| |
堀堀RS | 𡒈𡽈 | cave, hole, ditch | - bend 屈 ground 土: hole or cave
| 窟 |