one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
谷谷RS | | valley, gorge, ravine, a waterway between two mountains | - RS. opening 口 where a lot of water can flow 八八
- river 㕣 flowing through diverging 八 gorges
| 渓 峡 谿; 含; 浴 裕 容 欲 俗 |
后后RS | | queen, empress, sovereign, after, behind, back, later | - RS. womanly figure 𠂋 giving orders 口: → → 后: everybody should follow behind her
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悟悟RS | | apprehend, realise, become aware, enlightenment | - five 五 mouths 口 opening up into the mind 忄 and starting to speak: enlightenment or awareness
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嗟嗟RS | 䦈差𠺜𧨁𧪘𧪰 𧫯𧬑𨲠𨲻𩬡 | sigh, alas | - labourer 差 sighing with his mouth 口 while cutting up an animal
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知知RS | | know, perceive, comprehend | - knowledge shoots like an arrow 矢 out of the mouth 口
| 存 識; 諭; 哲; 教 告; 痴
軎軎RS | 轊𨊢𨎥 | brass parts for car in ancient China, hub of a cart | - RS. hub 口 of a cart 車: hit
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杏杏RS | | apricot, almond | - RS. tree 木 with fruit 口 on the ground
- tree 木 with fruit like a round mouth 口
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咼咼RS 呙呙 | 冎叧 | chat, jaw, gossip, talk, mouth, bone | - deformed mouth 口: → 冎/咼/呙
- RS. shoulder bone: → 冎/咼/呙
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団団RS | | sphere, ball, circle, mass, lump, group | - small 寸 enclosure 囗 (of people 口)
| 团團 |
周周RS | | circumference, circuit | - fields 土 and mouths 口 have a clearly defined circumference 冂
- con. circle
| 近 辺; 回; 調 週 彫
㕯㕯RS | | whisper, slow-tongued, stammer | - internal 内 speaking 口: whisper
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合合RS | | combine, unite, join, gather, fit | - gathered people 亼 speak with united voice 口
- looks like a house with roof where people gather
| 会; 共; 并 接 併 組; 㑒 拾 搭 塔 答 給 |
響響RS 响响 | | echo, sound, resound, ring, vibrate | - rural place 鄉 where sounds 音 echo
- ⓢ one's spoken words 口 face or turn 向 back to oneself: echo
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