allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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RSimpede, hinder, obstruct, oppose
  • table of the officers on a mound : makes it difficult (hinder) to attack it
RScrack, split, fissure, grudge, opportunity
  • small space where the sun can shine through 𡭴 in a mound
  • ravine in a mound
follow, listen to, submit to
column, row or file of troops, camp, short time
  • troops with carts ready to attack a wall ; they set up camp at the base and will attack in a short time
RSsteps leading to the throne, throne, highness
  • slope with so many steps one compares them while mounting : highness of the throne
submerge, sink, plunge, trap, collapse
RSpart, division, section
  • area filled with standing people
postal, mail
  • messages in a tree for the gods in the city temple
  • postal boxes are like shoots in the city
RSwrong, evil, depraved, vicious, perverse, heterodox
  • an elephant in the city : wrong idea leading to much evil
RSeliminate, remove, except
  • person carrying away remainders from a slope : eliminates and removes what was lying there
team, group, army unit
  • mound where a team of miners is working looking like many pigs
  • ⓢ slope defended by a team of people
stairs, steps, rank, degree, floor/level
  • part of the slope used by everyone when going to a different level
  • ⓢ the slope that mediates between two floors
RSsweet smelling, rich in aroma, adorned, colorfully ornamented, beautiful, cultural progress
  • what the city has : sweet smells, ornamented houses, beautiful culture
RSadhere to, append, rely on near to
  • attach to the wall so it adheres
RSofficial residence, residence of, princes, noblemen
  • sun low at the horizon in the capital : a new party is starting at the official residence of a prince or nobleman
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