one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
都都RS | | metropolis, capital, all, the whole, elegant, refined | - all the people 者 of the city 阝 elegantly dressed up
| 洛 京; 市 |
奢奢RS | 奓奢 | extravagant, wasteful, exaggerate | - big person 大 above a normal one 者: extravagant, exaggerates easily
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緒緒RS | | end of thread, beginning, thread, mental state | - person working on the fields every day 者 binds his clothes with a thread 糸: has a beginning and end and holds his mental state
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堵堵RS | | wall, stop, prevent, stop up | - person 者 stopped by something made of clay 土: a wall
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箸箸RS | | chopsticks | - person 者 using bamboo 竹 chopsticks to eat
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暑暑RS | | hot, heat, the heat of summer, mid-summer, summer | - person working 者 under the heat of the sun 日
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賭賭RS 赌赌 | | bet, gamble, wager, compete | - persons 者 gambling for money 貝
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署署RS | 署𦋧 | public office, signature | - RS. person 者 arranging what is spoken on bamboo slats netted 罒 together
- person 者 putting all money in his pocket 罒
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諸諸RS 诸诸 | | several, various | - person 者 saying 言 several things
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豬豬RS 猪猪 | | pig, hog, wild boar | - pig 豕 raised by a man 者 (looks like a dog 犭)
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著著RS | | publish, write, famous, wear | - modf. 着 → 著
- famous writers are usually persons 者 covered under grass 艹 (dead and buried)
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渚渚RS | | small sand bank, islet, strand, beach, shore | - place in or near the water 氵 where a person 者 can stand
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煮煮RS | | cook | - person 者 in front of a fire 灬: he's cooking
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