one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
臱臱RS | | disappear, see from afar | - RS. person 自 disappearing in the direction 方 of the hole 穴 of a cave
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窓窓RS 窗窗 | | window | - like the opening 穴 in an individuals 厶 heart 心
- ⓢ opening 穴 like a chimney 囱
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窮窮RS 穷穷 | | poor, destitute, impoverished | - strong 力 bent body 躬 living in a cave 穴: poor
- Man took a shot from a bow 弓 in his body 身 and was dropped in a hole 穴: cornered situation
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穿穿RS | | penetrate, pierce, drill, wear | - making a hole 穴 with a tooth 牙-like object
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空空RS | | empty, hollow, bare, deserted, sky, vacuum | - a crafted 工 hole 穴 is empty
| 窓; 宇 宙 天; 虚; 控
罙罙RS | | deep | - hole 穴 with burning fire 火 (→ wood 木) → 罙: a deep hole in the roof for the fireplace
| 深 探 |
究究RS | | examine, investigate | - one has to dig many 九 holes 穴 to get to the bottom of something
| 歴; 探 調 |
窒窒RS | | stop up, obstruct, plug | - hole 穴 plugged with 至
- arrow 至 obstructing entrance through a hole 穴
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窟窟RS | | hole, cave, cellar, underground | - bent 屈 hole 穴: entrance to cellar or cave
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突突RS | | suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly, pierce, break through | - RS. like a dog 犬 coming out of a cave 穴; a dog 犬 suddenly bites a hole 穴
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窄窄RS | | narrow, tight, narrow-minded | - narrow opening 穴 in a cave to enter in it for the first 乍 time
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竊竊RS 窃窃 | | secretly, stealthily, steal, thief | - RS. a termite 禼 that lives in a hole 穴 and steals grain 釆
- seven 七 men making a hole 穴 with a knife 刀: steal
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窯窯RS 窑窑 | | kiln, oven, furnace, coal mine pit | - hole 穴 in which one can cook a lamb 羔
- ⓢ hole 穴 which can be closed like a jar 缶: oven
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