allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
border, boundary, juncture, dangerous, adventurous
  • slope of the altar /: border which nobody is to cross, if you do you risk punishment (dangerous behaviour)
  • plant laid to dry on the altars : garlic
zen, meditation, contemplation (dhyana)
  • single / individual in front of the altar /: in complete zen meditation
RSlineage, religion, believe
RS𤐫slip of paper or bamboo, ticket, ballot, hostage
  • modf. 𤐫: after usage the urn held by hands 𦥑 is thrown in the fire ; head held 𦥑 in the fire : hostage; after voting in the evening ballots are put on the altar
  • the ballot shows the west (it’s a sign of the Western democracy)
  • are you traveling west ? Please show me your ticket
; ;
RSrestrict, prohibit, forbid
  • don't plant trees on the altar !
  • not all trees can be used for making religious objects put on the altar : restricted use
RSsacrifice to, worship ; ; ;
  • RS. report on the grain in the silo (for the altar in the temple)
pious, respectful, chaste, pure, abstain from meat, fast, purify oneself
utmost, as it is
  • exhausted man : leaves things as it is
  • religion practiced under the cliff side 广: utmost conservatism, wants to leave things as it is
secret, mysterious
RSbut, how, bear, stand, endure
  • RS. man having problems with god going to watch his image on the altar : he bears, endures his life
  • modf.
RSgood luck, good omen, happiness
  • bring sheep to the altar for good luck
RS𥘅show, manifest, demonstrate, altar, cult, sign
  • something shown on an altar 𥘅: or (do not confuse with )
  • con. altar, worship
  • : a spirit showing itself
; ;
RSofficer, military rank
  • RS. benevolence (+), fire and hand: iron out
  • corpses fire and striving hands : things an officer has to deal with
  • corpse laid on the altar : dead officer
a mark, symbol, label, sign, standard
  • mark a ballot before it goes in the wooden box while counting the votes/wooden object on the altar : a symbol of religion