one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
疼疼RS | | aches, pains, be fond of, love | - winter 冬 brings many sicknesses 疒: aches and pains; if you are fond of someone, you care for him
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病病RS | | illness, sickness, disease | - being sick 疒 one should keep warm near the hearth 丙
| 疾 患 酔 |
疹疹RS | 疢胗𤵜𤺋 | measles, rash, fever | - sickness 疒 where a man with a beard 㐱 (the doctor) comes to visit you
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痛痛RS | | pain, ache, sorry, sad, bitter | - path 甬 of a sickness 疒 is fraught with pain
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疲疲RS | | feel tired, be exhausted, weak | - sick 疒 man under cover 皮: he's tired and weak
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瘍瘍RS 疡疡 | | ulcers, sores, infection | - sickness 疒 because of the sun 昜: skin disease
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疚疚RS | 㝌𤶔𤶫 | chronic disease, ashamed, guilty conscience | - sickness 疒 that is there for a long time 久
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疣疣RS | 肬𤴦𤴨𤷊𦚥𩑣 𪐤 | wart, tumor, goiter, papule | | |
痴痴RS | | foolish, stupid, dumb, silly | - knowingly 知 contract a disease 疒: foolish
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癌癌RS | 𤸔 | cancer, cancerous evil | - illness 疒 like rocks in the mountains 嵒
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癖癖RS | | craving, weakness for, habit, addiction | - sickness 疒 so bad you want your head cut off 辟: weakness or addiction
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痢痢RS | | dysentery, diarrhea | - sickness 疒 where you have the feeling that your bowls are reaped with a knife 利
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痘痘RS | | smallpox | - sickness 疒 with marks looking like small beans 豆
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瘦瘦RS 痩痩 | | thin, emaciated, lean, meager | - old 叟/叟 sick 疒 person: thin and meager
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痒痒RS | 瘍癢𤶪𦍲 | itch | - sickness 疒 brought upon by living with sheep 羊
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痺痺RS 痹痹 | 啤 | paralysis, numbness | - sickness 疒 that makes one completely humble 卑
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痕痕RS | | scar, mark, trace | - remnant of a sickness 疒 becoming good 艮: scar
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症症RS | | disease, illness, ailment, symptoms | - someone suddenly standing right 正 because of a disease 疒: symptoms of diarrhea
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疾疾RS | | illness, disease, sickness, hate, quick | - RS. bed for the sick 疒 like an arrow 矢: illness
- illness 疒 comes quick like an arrow 矢
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痣痣RS | 誌䏯 | spots, moles, birthmark | - sickness 疒 even the mind of the master 志 can't fathom: spots
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