one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
燃燃RS | | burn, light fire, ignite | - certainly 然 burns in the fire 火
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爆爆RS | | crackle, pop, burst, explode | | |
炙炙RS | 䏑熫炙𤐬𤒗𦛧 𦜡𦠁𬉹 | roast, broil, toast, cauterize | - meat 月 on the fire 火: roast
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火火RS | 灬⺌ | fire, flame, burn, anger, rage | - flames → 火
- coals in a fireplace: 灬 ⺌
- person 人 waving with his arms 丷 in the air: something is on fire!
| 薪; 龸 滅; 秋 災 灰; 赤; 光 当 |
煉煉RS 炼炼 | | smelt, refine, distill, condense | - done with fire 火 from early in the morning 東: smelt or distill; dew condensed on plants in the morning 東
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燒燒RS 烧烧 | 焼 | burn, bake, heat, roast | | |
燥燥RS | | dry, parched, arid, quick-tempered | - dry wood chirps like birds 喿 when burning 火
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叟叟RS | 叟𠬲𡨎𡨝𡨨𡨼 | old person | - RS. one who needs to carry 又 a light 火 (→ 臼) in the house 冖 to see in the house: 𠬲 → 叟: old man
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熏熏RS 𤋱𤋱 | 𡽽𡼡𡴦 | smoke, fog, vapour, smoke, cure | - smoke rising above a big fire 火: → 𡽽 → 熏
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煙煙RS 烟烟 | | smoke, soot, opium, tobacco, cigarettes | - fire 火 restrained 垔 to a pipe or cigarette/reason 因 a person lights a fire 火 or locked up 因 fire 火
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爐爐RS 炉炉 | | hearth, furnace, kiln, reactor | - kind of cottage 盧 with fire inside 火
- ⓢ fire 火 behind a door 户
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畑畑RS | | dry (as opposed to rice) field, farm, garden | - field 田 where fire 火 can burn (used as fertilizer)
| 土 原 野 秋 |
靈靈RS 灵灵 | 霊霛 | spirit, soul, spiritual world | - something like raindrops 霝 under the influence of a wizard 巫
- ⓢ something flimsy like fire 火 hands 彐
- equally 並 flimsy as rain 雨
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燿燿RS | | shine, dazzle, brilliant, radiant | | 曜 |
燎燎RS | | burn, set afire, illuminate, signal lamp | - get fire 火 into wet wood 尞 for illumination
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滅滅RS 灭灭 | | extinguish, wipe out, exterminate | - destroyed by fire, ax 烕 and water 氵
- ⓢ thing 一 destroyed by fire 火
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烕烕RS | | destroy, exterminate, extinguish | - RS. destruction by fire 火 and ax 戌
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灰灰RS | | ashes, dust, lime, mortar
| - RS. fire 火 that can be touched by hand 𠂇
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煩煩RS 烦烦 | | bother, vex, trouble, troublesome | - RS. fire 火 in the head 頁
- fiery 火 pages 頁/页 published to bother an angry 火 big-head 頁/页
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𤇾𤇾RS | | brilliant | | 龸 |