one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
胞胞RS | | womb, placenta, fetal membrane | - in which the body 月 of the baby is wrapped 包
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脛脛RS 胫胫 | | shinbone, calf of leg | - part of the body 月 that stands under water when working on waterways 巠
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膝膝RS | | knee | - part of the body 月 one puts an object on to varnish 桼
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胃胃RS | | stomach, gizzard of fowl | - part of the body 月 where produce from the fields 田 and flesh 月 is digested
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猒猒RS | | to be satiated | - RS. a dog 犬 with meat 月 in the mouth 曰: a satisfied dog
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骨骨RS | | bone, skeleton, frame, framework | - RS. shoulder bones 冎 with meat 月
| 咼 |
肘肘RS | | elbow, arm | - between body 月 and hand 寸
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朔朔RS | | begin, north, the first day of the lunar month | - the coming up of the moon 月 indicates the beginning of the lunar month and is also a sign of death coming 屰
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肚肚RS | | belly, abdomen, bowels | - part of the body 月 that contains stuff (faeces) that is later dropped on the ground 土
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鑰鑰RS 钥钥 | | key, lock | - something with holes 龠 (→ 月) made in metal 金
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肪肪RS | | obese, fat | - flesh 月 ready to go in the direction 方 of the slaughterhouse: sufficiently fattened up
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勝勝RS 胜胜 | 𠢧𠅫𢾶 | victory, excel, be better than | - force 力 of a body that reaches heavenly heights 朕
- forceful 力 body 月 lifting hands on winning
- body 月 with a certificate 券
- ⓢ only a lively 生 body 月 can prevail over others
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膏膏RS | | grease, fat, paste, ointment | - body 月 that has grown to be high 高: contains a lot of fat
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朕朕RS | 𦨶𦩎 | I, majestic plural | - body 月 in heavenly 天 heights may divide 丷 everything under the earth
- RS. pole 灷 a boat 舟: 𦩎 → 𦨶 → 朕
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鵬鵬RS 鹏鹏 | | fabulous bird of enormous size, phoenix | - bird 鳥 having the size of two bodies 月月 or having two bodies 月月 to live in
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豚豚RS | | small pig, suckling pig, suffle | - RS. a pig 豕 used for meat 月
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棚棚RS | | tent, awning, booth, shed, shelf | - made in wood 木 to not sleep under the moon 月 or to have a horizontal acquaintance 朋 with something
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將將RS 将将 | | will, going to, future, general | - hand holding 寸 meat 月 on the half trunk (serving as table) 爿/丬: general eating a handfull 寽, from now on he will be the leader
- ⓢ a small 寸 split trunk 丬 looks like a general at night 夕, we will make mistakes because we don't see in the future
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腺腺RS | | gland | - part of the body 月 that excretes fluid 泉
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脹脹RS 胀胀 | | full-stomached, glutted, swelling of the skin, expand, expansion | - growing 長 flesh 月: full stomach or swelling of the skin
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