one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
香香RS | 𥞌𩠼𩡄𩡠𪏰𪏽 | fragrant, sweet smelling, incense | - RS. nice food 禾 reduced to in the mouth 甘: 𥞌 → 香: fragrant
- beehive 日 in a tree禾: honey is sweet smelling, fragrant, appetizing
| |
昌昌RS | | light of sun, good, proper, prosperous, bright, clear | - light 日 of the sun 日 is good for all living creatures
- RS. clear 日 talk 曰
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暮暮RS | | evening, dusk, sunset, ending, life | - sun 日 going down in the grass 莫: end of life (for this day)
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晃晃RS | | bright, dazzling, sway, shake | - light 光 of the sun 日: bright and dazzling
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昨昨RS | | yesterday, in former times, past | - sudden 乍 end of the day 日
| 𣄼 昔 歴
昏昏RS | | dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark | | 婚 |
曼曼RS | | long, extended, vast, beautiful | - beautiful hand 又 with long fingers and eyes 罒 with long eyelashes seen under the light 日
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暉暉RS 晖晖 | | sunshine, light, bright, radiant | - sun 日 shining on the army in transport 軍
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晟晟RS | | clear, bright, splendor, brightness | - something completely 成 illuminated by the sun 日
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晨晨RS | | early morning, daybreak | - man working with a hoe 辰 in the morning sun 日
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昴昴RS | | the Pleiades (constellation) | - stars 日 between two moons 卯
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簡簡RS 简简 | 𥳑 | simple, terse, succinct, letter | - gate 間 made of bamboo 竹: simple structure made in brief time; letter made of slips of bamboo 竹 with space 間 between
- a simple bamboo 竹 gate 門/门 through which the sun 日 passes
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昧昧RS | | obscure, dark, darken | | |
早早RS | | early, soon, morning, fast | - the sun's 日 rays starts to heat everything 十 in the morning: → 早; if you want to do something fast you have to get up early in the morning
| 速 逸 迅; 焦; 章 卓 草 |
曆曆RS 暦暦 | 厯 | calendar, era | - RS. to go through 止 a planting 厂 (happens once) of grain 秝 - one year of suns 日: calendar
- simpl. 曆 → 暦
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冥冥RS | 㝠 | dark, gloomy, night, deep | - RS. the sun 日 covered 冖 in the six 六 directions: dark
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漠漠RS | | desert, aloof, indifferent, cool | - place with no grass 莫 and no water 氵 because of the sun 日
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暑暑RS | | hot, heat, the heat of summer, mid-summer, summer | - person working 者 under the heat of the sun 日
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昭昭RS | | bright, luminous, illustrious | - the bright sunlight 日 commands 召 every living creature
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音音RS | | sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation | - → 音: person being scared up by a sound he stands up 立 from his seat 日
- Stand 立 up to listen the sound of the mouth 曰.
| 騒; 欧 鳴 膨; 竟 戠 意 韻 響 暗