allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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extend across, through, from
  • RS. the time indicated by moon or sun between two points
RS𣅆period of time, date, time limit, hope; ;
return, repeat, repeatedly
  • person 𠂉 (coming ) and coming repeatedly during a day : he keeps on returning
become cloudy, overcast
RSleisure, relaxation, spare time
  • hand, hand and hand trying to stop the sun from rising: person is not going to work: spare time
RS𦶛𦱤do not, is not, can not, negative
RSviolent, brutal, tyrannical
RSsun, day, daytime, Japan, rad. 72
  • sun disc ; a day is the time the sun takes to appear in the same position; daytime is when the sun shines; Japan is located (from China) where the sun comes up; do not confuse with rad. 73
  • con. light
RS𤽽𤾕change, replace, substitute for
  • RS. a man talking for the other
  • two men looking the same under the sun : they can replace each other
RSthat which, he who, those who, someone, person
  • person working on the fields every day ; he who does that leads a good life
  • RS. the sound of a burning bush
RSbright, light, brilliant, clear
  • the sun and the moon are the brightest objects in the sky
manifest, display, evident, clear
  • fibres displayed in the sun clearly visible to the head
  • ⓢ something standing side by side displayed in the sun (visible to the head )
𣆶night, evening, late
  • when the sun has escaped from view
𣄼 西
RS𠻖𤽛a star, planet, any point of light
  • living light like the sun
  • planet born from the sun
peaceful, quiet, clear, late in the day
RSshadow, image, reflection, photograph
  • fine (like hair ) shadow
  • the sun over Beijing , what a nice view. But the hair of who shot the photograph seems like a shadow in the image
; ; ;
RSscenery, view, conditions, shadow
  • the sun shining over the capital provides for a majestic view; it's light creates many shadows on the street
RSrise, ascent, peaceful, peace
  • rise like the sun over a peaceful landscape
damp, wet, moist
  • visibly / in water
  • water as mist rising from the ground under the sun
RS𣊡fibers, be visible, minute, evident
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