one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
𠂢𠂢RS | | to branch | - river 川 branching in hairlike 彡 rivers in it's delta
| 派 |
水水RS | 氵⺀氺 | water, liquid, lotion, juice, rad. 85 | - taken at both sides of the river : 川
- 氵⺀: droplets of water
| 湯; 永 泉 氷 尿 踏; 雨; , 氺: 隶 录 漆 求 泰 様 藤 暴; : 蒸 承 |
巟巟RS | | watery waste, devastation, ravage caused by the rivers, alternate | | |
巠巠RS 𢀖𢀖 | 𡿱坙 | streams running underground, flowing water | - water 川 streaming under the ground 一 usually crafted 工: 巠 → 𢀖
- 工 replaced by 𡈼; corrupted form 坙: 工 replaced by 土
- a stream of flowing water 巛/人 flowing from a pipe 工 underneath the ground 一
| 脛 |
川川RS | 巛⺍巜 | stream, river, flow, boil | - flowing river → 川
| 河; 岸; 順 訓; modf. 巛; al. : 㐬 荒; ⺍: 単 悩 猟 脳; 水
州州RS | 𠄓𠃕𠛏𣧓 | administrative division, state, a county, state, prefecture, place surrounded by water, islet | - islands 丶 in water 川: places where people live
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訓訓RS 训训 | | teach, instruct, exegesis | | |
攸攸RS | | relaxed, at ease | - RS. hand 攵 in water 川: relaxing pass time
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馴馴RS 驯驯 | | tame, docile, obedient | - horse 馬 drinking from the river 川: tame
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順順RS 顺顺 | | obey, submit to, go along with, order, turn | - stream 川 of written pages 頁 where commands are ordered which are to be obeyed
- leaves 頁/页 fallen into the river 川 follow the stream, obey the current, go along with the flow.
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流流RS | | flow, circulate, drift, class | - flow like water 氵 in the river 川 or circulate like a child 𠫓 in the water 氵 of the womb
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㐬㐬RS | | a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated | - baby 𠫓 hanging above a river 川: wild uncultivated tribe; like a cup with pendants
| same as 旒 a corrupted form of 荒 |
侃侃RS | | upright and strong, amiable | - RS. honest 㐰 like clear water 川
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