one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
固固RS | | to become solid, solidify, strength | - old 古 mouths 囗 tell strong stories; they tell them time and time again without change: they have been hardened
| 硬 緊 堅 剛; 個 箇
湖湖RS | | a lake, Hubei, Hunan, bluish-green | - old (with many stories) 古 body 月 of water 氵
| 潟 池 |
胡胡RS | | recklessly, foolishly, wildly, barbarian, foreign | - reckless behaviour makes a body 月 grow old 古 quick
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居居RS | | live, dwell, reside, sit | - old 古 body 尸 sits where it is and doesn't move
- RS. baby 古 falling from a mother 尸: original dwelling place
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枯枯RS | | wither, die, dry up, be seasoned | | |
估估RS | | merchant, estimate, guess, presume | - person 亻that seems to have 10 mouths 古: spews many estimates and guesses in order to seduce his buyers
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敢敢RS | 𠭖𢼿𢽤𢽿𣆸𣪏 𪠬 | dare, venture, bold, brave | - RS. two hands 攵⺤ holding off an animal that can bite 古: → 𠭖 → 𢽿 → 敢 dare (holding an animal by the ear 耳)
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做做RS | | work, make, act | - persons 亻 hand tapping 攵 until it's worn out 古: it has worked and made a lot in the act
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姑姑RS | | father's sister, husband's mother, aunt | | |
故故RS | | ancient, old, reason, because, accident | - old 古 hand 攵 doing things nobody remembers reason for
- the knock 攵 killed him because he was old 古: it was an accident
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苦苦RS | | bitter, hardship, suffering | - when one is old 古 and buried under the grass 艹 one has suffered many a bitter hardship
| 痛 悩 患 忍; 辛; 煮 |
啇啇RS | | to stalk, the stem, the foot, the base | - old 古 stalks of grain standing 立 at the country side 冂
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