one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
壽壽RS 寿寿 | 夀𠭵𠷎𤕋𦓂𦓆 𧈙 | old age, long life, lifespan | - RS. an old man kneeling and praying for long life mouth and hand: → 夀 → 壽 → 寿 (leaves only hands 龵寸: hands together for longevity)
- not too much 丰 nor too little 寸, that's the key to longevity according to mouths 口 with old age
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呂呂RS 吕吕 | | a musical note, spine, backbone | - to mouths 口 singing connected (related) notes 丨
- two vertebrae 口 connected 丨 in the spine
| 宮 営 |
啚啚RS | 鄙𠴿𠷰 | low, mean, cheap, small heap of grains | - RS. Primitive pictograph → 啚: a heap of wheat sheaves 㐭 and an enclosure 口: thrifty, cheap
- people in the city 阝 with a small heap of grain 啚: lowly and cheap people
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叩叩RS | 口扣敂𧥣𨙫 | knock, ask, kowtow, bow | - person knocks the door to ask 口 something kneeling 卩 in reverence
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啄啄RS | | peck, (Cant.) slander | - shackled animal 豖 using it's mouth 口 to get food: peck
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亟亟RS | | urgently, immediately, extremely, fast, quick, sudden | - RS. a hand 又 and voice 口 urging a man 人 to do 2 二 things (top and bottom) at once: urgent and quick
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喿喿RS | | chirping of birds | - mouths 口口口 of birds in the tree 木
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哭哭RS | | weep, cry, wail | - RS. mouths 口口 crying like a dog 犬
- looks like a person 大 with giant eyes 口口 crying out a tear 丶
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國國RS 国国 | | nation, country, nation-state | - people wielding spears 戈 with big mouths 口 protecting their one 一 king and borderline 囗
- ⓢ a country holds it's precious 玉 treasures within it's borders 囗
| 国 |
古古RS | | old, classic, ancient | - RS. story having passed through ten 十 mouths 口
- old people have many 十 a story to tell 口
| opp.: 靖 請 諾; 旧 老 陳; 湖 克 故 固 枯 苦 居
呈呈RS | | submit, show, appear, petition | - speak 口 to the ruler 王: submitting one's plan
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吐吐RS | | vomit, spew out, cough up | - coming from the mouth 口 and landing on the ground 土
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吉吉RS | | lucky, propitious, good | - RS. the speech 口 of a sage 士
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茹茹RS | 䋈 | roots, vegetables, eat, bear, cook | - part of the plant 艹 the woman 女 cooks to put into the mouth 口 to eat
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谿谿RS | | valley | - contains several houses 𠆢 of farming families 口 where large men 大 work continuously 幺 with their hands ⺤
| 谷
吅吅RS | | lively, noisy, clamor, talk loudly | - two mouths 口口 talking loudly
龠龠RS | | circular "Pan" flute | - a mouth blowing 亼 a flute with holes 口
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叱叱RS | | scold, shout at, bawl out | - seven 七 mouths 口 together scolding and shouting at each other
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吃吃RS | | eat, drink, suffer, endure, bear | - person 𠂉 putting fished 乙 animals in his mouth 口; the animal has suffered a lot
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嘆嘆RS 叹叹 | 歎 | sigh, lament, moan, grieve, admire | - man digging out clay 𦰩 (with his hands 又) sighing through his mouth 口/欠; he's admiring the centuries of work by nature to accumulate the clay 𦰩
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