one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
力力RS | | power, capability, influence | - image of a man 人 flexing his muscles: → 力
| 艮 雄 猛 強 剛; 精 勢; 尽
卻卻RS 却却 | | still, but, decline, retreat | - RS. the person 卩 who escapes 谷/去 (person 人 leaves 八 the house 口): retreat
- one wants to leave 谷/去 but the exit it sealed 卩
| |
女女RS | | woman, girl, feminine, rad. 38 | - person 人 holding a baby: → 女
- looks like a woman sitting down with legs crossed
| 汝 姿 婆 妄 安 宴 数 接 威 妻; 1744-1778; 桜 楼 妥 委 要 嬰
火火RS | 灬⺌ | fire, flame, burn, anger, rage | - flames → 火
- coals in a fireplace: 灬 ⺌
- person 人 waving with his arms 丷 in the air: something is on fire!
| 薪; 龸 滅; 秋 災 灰; 赤; 光 当 |
大大RS | 尢亣 | big, great, vast, large, high, | - a man 人 spreading his arms 一 wide to take something big; al. 尢: 旡; → 亣
| 甚; 偉; 奪 奮; |
企企RS | | stand on tiptoe, hope, long, expect, plan | - RS. a man 人 standing on tiptoe 止: he's hoping to get moving soon and execute his plan
| |
人人RS | 亻𠂉𠂊 | man, people, mankind, someone else, rad. 9 | - person standing wide legged → 人
| 儿 耂 尸 方 者 ⺼ 手 名 口 夸 漢 彦 郎 夫 男; 兵 黄 只
侖侖RS 仑仑 | | think, self-examination, to make | - people brought together 亼 to think about books 冊
- ⓢ two persons 人匕 thinking of each other
| 俞 |
囚囚RS | | prisoner, convict, confine | | |
只只RS | | only, just, simply | - mouth 口 of a person 人 = words are just words, words are only words, words are simply words
| 唯
認認RS 认认 | | recognize, know, understand | - words 言 of understanding touch the heart deeply 忍
- ⓢ person 人 recognising something speaks 讠 about it
| 許 可 |
巫巫RS | | wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman | - he who makes people 人人 hang in a 工 without touching them
| |
禽禽RS | 擒𠎘𢄕𤢌 | birds, capture | - RS. Primitive pictograph -> 禽: a net (bottom) over a mouth (top)
- rare beast 离 captured by man 人
| |
亡亡RS | | death, destroyed, lose, perish | - → 亡: person 人 hidden behind a line 丨: buried and lost
- person hidden under a lid 亠
| 歹 死; 忘 妄 望 盲 忙 荒 網
俳俳RS | | actor, vaudeville show, insincere | - RS. not 非 serious person 人
| |
介介RS | | lie between, sea shell, wear armour, forerunner, herald, harbinger | - that which separates 八 men 人
- seashell → 介: armour for the animal inside
| 媒 仲; 貝; 界 |
監監RS 监监 | | supervise, control, direct | - RS. man looking over 臥 (人 → 𠂉) a pan of blood or other stuff 血
| |
臥臥RS 卧卧 | | lie down, crouch, bow | - RS. man 人 lying with his eyes sideways 臣
| |
以以RS | | by means of, thereby, therefore, consider as, in order to | - by means of an individual 厶 person 人 much can be achieved
| 該; 似 |
巠巠RS 𢀖𢀖 | 𡿱坙 | streams running underground, flowing water | - water 川 streaming under the ground 一 usually crafted 工: 巠 → 𢀖
- 工 replaced by 𡈼; corrupted form 坙: 工 replaced by 土
- a stream of flowing water 巛/人 flowing from a pipe 工 underneath the ground 一
| 脛 |