one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
穐穐RS | | autumn | - when frogs croak with their mouth ⺈ under the full grown vegetation 禾
| 秋
季季RS | | quarter of year, season | - time it takes for a newborn child 子 to be able to eat grain 禾
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稚稚RS | | young, immature, childhood | - young like grain 禾 and little birds 隹
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稟稟RS 禀禀 | | report | - RS. report on the grain 禾 in the silo 㐭 (for the altar 示 in the temple)
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委委RS | | appoint, send, commission, committee, entrust to | - RS. woman 女 harvesting grain 禾: she has been appointed and entrusted this work
| 男; 帯 任 託 嘱
秀秀RS | | flowering, luxuriant, refined, elegant, graceful, excel | - RS. flowers 乃 or ears of grain 禾
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秦秦RS | 𣜈𥘿𥠼𥢮𥣠 | Manchu dynasty, name given to naturalized foreigners | - RS. hands on top 𡗗 with a pestal 午 barking grain 禾: → 秦
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囷囷RS | | round-shaped storage bin for grain, granary | - RS. an enclosure 囗 for grain 禾: granary
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穰穰RS 穣穣 | | stalks of grain, lush, abundant, prosperity, 10**28 | - stalks of grain 禾 aids 襄/㐮 in building up prosperity and abundance
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秤秤RS | 稱𥘴 | balance, scale, steelyard | - used to make equal 平 weight between food 禾 and a weight
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穌穌RS 稣稣 | 稣 | revive, mow grass | - lively grain 禾 like fish 魚
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種種RS 种种 | | seed, race, offspring, to plant | - that which makes a tree or plant 禾 heavy 重
- ⓢ found at the centre 中 of a plant 禾
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秋秋RS | 𥤛 | autumn, fall, year | | 夏 冬 夏; 愁 |
稱稱RS 称称 | | call, name, brand, address, say | - enter a shop and call the shop attendant to weigh 爯 rice 禾
- ⓢ enter a house 尔 and call the shop attendant to buy rice 禾
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秩秩RS | | order, orderly, salary, decade | - salary in grain 禾 earned and lost 失 (in a cafe) afterwards: certain order followed each month
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程程RS | | form, pattern, degree, extent, distance | - speak to the ruler 呈 about the grain 禾 harvest: pattern that is repeated every year, the degree of failure determines the extent of governance
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稽稽RS | | examine, investigate, delay, think, consider, bow to the ground | - purposefully 旨 bow to the ground like the grain 禾 or like a dog 尤: examine what's on the ground and think about it
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積積RS 积积 | | accumulate, store up, amass, long (time), old, deep-rooted, longstanding, product (mathematics)
| - responsible 責 management of the rice 禾 harvest: long time storage of multiple harvests
- ⓢ stuffing rice 禾 in a person's mouth 只 until it's full
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稀稀RS | | rare, unusual, scarce, sparse, thin | - rice 禾 gruel with a sparse 希 amount of rice: thin and unusual
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税税RS | | taxes | - grain 禾 taken by big brother 兑: taxes
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