one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
最最RS | | most, extremely, exceedingly | - take 取 someone's hat 冃: extreme behaviour most people won't tolerate
- the hand 又 pricks up the ear 耳 when someone speaks 曰: that's the most important
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量量RS | | measure, quantity, capacity | - RS. to speak 曰 the weight 重
- produce from the fields 里 weighed in the morning 旦 before being sold
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日日RS | | sun, day, daytime, Japan, rad. 72 | - sun disc → 日; a day is the time the sun takes to appear in the same position; daytime is when the sun shines; Japan is located (from China) where the sun comes up; do not confuse with 曰 rad. 73
- con. light
| 陽; 邦 和
更更RS | 㪅 | more, still further, much more, renew, grow late, night watch | - RS. fire in a hearth 丙 being stoked 攴 by the night watch → → 㪅 → 更: more wood being put on the fire
- this old man 丈 is more than one says 曰: although it's growing late, he is still further renewing
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者者RS | | that which, he who, those who, someone, person | - person working on the fields 耂 every day 日; he who does that leads a good life
- RS. the sound of 曰 a burning bush 耂
| 尸 人 ⺼ 口; 煮 都 著 緒 諸 暑
曰曰RS | | say, reason, pretext, history, past, flat sun rad. 73 | - mouth with lips → 曰
| don't confuse with 日 |
昌昌RS | | light of sun, good, proper, prosperous, bright, clear | - light 日 of the sun 日 is good for all living creatures
- RS. clear 日 talk 曰
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指指RS | | finger, toe, point, indicate | - part of the hand 扌 that serves a purpose 旨: it brings food to the mouth 曰
| 差 |
旨旨RS | 𣅌 | purpose, aim, excellent, tasty, delicious | - a man's 匕 mouth 曰 can tell what the purpose is and has excellent taste as well
| 理; 命; 指 鮨 詣 脂; 稽 |
猒猒RS | | to be satiated | - RS. a dog 犬 with meat 月 in the mouth 曰: a satisfied dog
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朁朁RS | | if, supposing, nevertheless | - several men 兂兂 speaking 曰: if you suppose they are right, nevertheless you might have some doubts
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曷曷RS | | why? what? where? | - RS. beggar 匃 asking 曰 questions
| 乞; 束; 渇 褐 掲 謁 喝 |
音音RS | | sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation | - → 音: person being scared up by a sound he stands up 立 from his seat 日
- Stand 立 up to listen the sound of the mouth 曰.
| 騒; 欧 鳴 膨; 竟 戠 意 韻 響 暗
沓沓RS | | connected, joined, repeated, babble | - RS. the sound of words 曰 like water 水: babble
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曹曹RS | 曺㯥 | officials, officer | - RS. heavy 東東 (on top 㯥) speech 曰: officials or officer
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曾曾RS | 曽 | already, sign of past | - RS. something splits from 八 the fields 田 (which has been told 曰 to happen in the past) under the sun 日
- when the sun 日 sinks below the field 田 of plants 丷, the day is already over and it is the sign of a past day
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嗜嗜RS | 呩耆𢝬𦞯𨢍𩝙 | be fond of, have weakness for | - old men 老 are fond of talking 曰 with their mouth 口
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會會RS 会会 | | assemble, meet together, meeting, organization | - RS. mouth 亼 above, mouth 曰 below, middle is mouth 曰 with possible rice in it: meeting over food
- ⓢ gather 亼 under a roof 𠆢 to talk 云 with each other 云
| 合 |