allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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RSprefecture, prefect, government
  • government building 广 where govt. officials representing the prefecture attach stamps to things
broad, wide, extensive
  • yellow cliff side 广: broad place natural feature
  • secret house on the hill 广 with a broad 广 view
kitchen, closet, cupboard
  • place in the house 广 where one stands to cook
  • ⓢ small place in the house where one cooks beans
𠩋scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach, withdraw, retreat
congratulate, celebrate, joy
  • RS. related to the heart of a prancing deer 鹿: joy
  • ⓢ big joyous party celebrated in a spacious house 广
RScorridor, porch, veranda
  • gentleman walking in his broad 广 corridor or veranda
RSsick, rad. 104
  • sick people need to stay indoors 广 extensively 广 and take pills with water
  • character rotated clockwise looks like a stretcher for the sick people to stay on
RSupright, honourable, honest, cheap,
  • RS. he who guards the grain in the silo 广 must be incorruptible; this only works when the grain is cheap
RSnumerous, various, multitude
  • mouth without a sweet demanding a multitude of things near the fire in the house 广
RSbed, couch, framework, chassis
  • wooden structure () to sleep in a house 广
expand, enlarge, stretch
should, ought to, need, respond to, answer
  • mind ready to respond like a falcon
  • ⓢ mind wide 广 open with a attention: ready to respond
RShawk, eagle, falcon
  • man on a cliff 广 holding a bird in his hands ready to hunt
麿麿RSI, personal name marker
  • person feeling at home 广 in the woods
RSvillage, hamlet, villa, manor, place of business
  • RS. a place of business 广 with a dirt floor
  • place with houses 广 having a dirt floor
abrogate, terminate, discard, give up
  • place high on the hill 广 where what was shot or started // comes to an end: terminate
granary, supply, stockpile, silo
  • broad 广 silo
  • ⓢ big enclosure with roof : silo or granary
RSdegree, system, manner, to consider
  • hand feeling the temperature of a pot with lid in house 广
  • hand checking things extensively 广 twenty 廿 times: systematically
; ;
RScourtyard, spacious hall or yard, garden
RSpeaceful, quiet, happy, healthy
  • hand tendering flowers at a broad 广 water place: peaceful and quiet activity; cleaner holding a broom cleaning a wide 广 marketplace: quiet peaceful activity
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