allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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RSstride of man, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions (which ancient Chinese astrologers believed to control the literary trends of the world)
  • RS. big man (god) of the tablets (literature)
RSwhere? what? how? why? servant
  • RS. a hand holding a rope around the neck of a servant : what has he done wrong and why
encourage, exhort, praise, prize, reward
  • big general / encouraging his troops and giving rewards after the battle
  • big general celebrating on the half tree trunk at night after the battle
RSdog, rad. 94
  • : → or
  • man saying a reasonable thing `
  • : a hand with a wart on it. : warts are annoying to get on the body, especially on your hand
; ;
RSstrange, unusual, uncanny, occult
  • so big that everybody talks about it
; ;
RSreceptacle, vessel, instrument
RSextravagant, luxurious, handsome, boast
  • big man walking the streets boasting his wealth
RShappy, cheerful, refreshing, sweet
  • RS. originally the objects on each side were wells : : possibly the briskness of (a person ) bathing in a well
RS𡘂𡘷𨻝case, cover, wrapper, envelope, long, large, accumulate
  • long person
  • long and big : covers other things
RS𤆍red, communist, bare, sincere
  • big fire :
  • heat makes a person blush red
  • in great heat one pulls out one's clothes until one is bare naked
  • sincere person having a red face while explaining fervently
; ; ;
RS𠦂𠦍advance quickly, to go back and forth, origin, source
  • RS. to prosper rapidly as the man who has past his tenth year
take by force, rob, snatch
RSweep, cry, wail
RS𡭞sharp, pointed, acute, keen
  • contains several houses 𠆢 of farming families where large men work continuously with their hands
RScenter, conclude, run out, beg
  • RS. man carrying a big load on a pole which he has to balance so he's in the middle; after he's finished he begs for water; con.: balance
; ; ; ;
𠫰take part in, intervene, ginseng, going, coming, three
  • symbol for the three centre stars in the belt of the Orion constellation 𠫰 (adds a man : the hunter)
  • ⓢ individual big hunter of the three stars constellation
    ; ginseng grows slowly just like the constellation's coming and goings The three stars are part of the constellation; the constellation comes and goes in the night sky
decide, determine, judge
  • RS. spit (water) coming from a man's mouth who has decided /fixed decision
  • ⓢ big decisive man decides to breach the ice
RSbeautiful, pretty, pleasing
  • big man with a hair dress like the horns of a sheep
strive, exert effort, arouse, take wing, advance
  • RS. like a (big ) bird spreading its wings over the field : rise in force and advance
  • modf.
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