allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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  • substance added to the mouth
RSarticle, product, commodity, refinement
  • articles and products are stored in many boxes on top of each other ; these products are more refined than what they were made from
; ;
RSadd to, increase, augment
  • RS. increase strength by speaking to the troops
RStaste, smell, odor, delicacy
  • smell of freshly opening buds makes the one smile ; when eaten they are considered a tasteful delicacy
RS𠴬𠿚𦧤nag, chatter, babble, twitter
  • words coming from the mouth so many like leafs on a tree
RS🈺encampment, barracks, manage
  • place where mouths recite studied words
  • mouths under a camouflaged roof , i.e.: an army in a well managed military camp
RShow, which
  • how can a tender mouth defeat a fortified city ? this is not obvious
  • stuff under ground gathered by people 𠂉 used on a plate in a dish to be eaten by mouth
RSinherit, descendants, heirs, follow
  • RS. the things that are spoken in the will (and managed by it)
insects, worms, rad. 142
  • snake
  • cocooned insect creeping out of a hole
  • mosquito planting it's stinger in your skin _,
, ,
RSname, rank, title, position
  • lit. in the dark one has to use the mouth to identify oneself
; ;
RSargue, dispute, disturb, annoy
  • talk in a way that has little value
RSsummon, call together, imperial decree
  • words imposed by sword
circle, round, circular, yuan (money coins are circular)
  • shells and mouths and enclosures are circular; staff members work within their circular enclosure (desk) and handle the money
RSdrink, shout, call out
  • beggar shouting with his mouth : he's drunk
RS𧾷foot, attain, satisfy, enough, rad. 157
  • : person making one step and stopping : he's already satisfied
; ; ; ; al. ⻊: 3741-3778
member, personnel, staff member
  • personnel and staff members talk to the clients and handle the money
  • mouth coughing because of being close to dirty pigs
RSsentence, phrase, passage, paragraph
  • uttered by an open mouth
RSinjure, harm, destroy, kill
  • making false measurements in a shop under the roof and proclaiming it: injuring peoples bussiness
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