allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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RSearly, soon, morning, fast
  • the sun's rays starts to heat everything in the morning: ; if you want to do something fast you have to get up early in the morning
; ;
𤣉offer, present, show, display
  • special cauldrons with tiger design on display guarded by dogs
  • ten tools 𢆉 under cover on display in a museum guarded by a dogs
needle, pin, tack, acupuncture
grave, mound, big, the banks of a river
  • decorated ground : grave, usually big
  • ⓢ pottery as decoration on ground : grave, usually big
  • under the ground with a lot of money
𢦏𢦏RS𢦒𢦔to cut, wound, hurt
  • cross made with a lance
RScomposition, chapter, section, badge
RStrunk of tree or of human body
  • farmer holding his tool watching the sun rise behind a tree trunk (tree without branches)
RSpower of the sun
  • power of the sun is many times stronger than everything else
RSfile of ten soldiers; mixed, miscellaneous
  • ten people , their belongings get mixed up during the military campaign
RSreal, actual, true, genuine
  • see if a man is straight 𥄂
  • pry open many shells to find out the truth
  • RS. something straight put on a table to look at
; ;
hear, listen, understand, obey
  • ethical 𢛳 king listening to and understanding his subjects who obey him
  • ⓢ orders should be listened to, understood and be "protected" : be obeyed
  • listening with ten eyes and your heart
  • listen to and obey the one who speaks with an ax
be united, cooperate, cooperation
  • thirty arms working together/manage something with ten people working together
RSgeneration, world, era, lifetime ; ;
RS𠦂𠦍advance quickly, to go back and forth, origin, source
  • RS. to prosper rapidly as the man who has past his tenth year
matter, material, substance, quality
  • at the entrance of the city one's materials are axed to control for quality and one has to pay taxes /
  • ⓢ a factory spends a lot of money to make substance of quality
umbrella, parasol, parachute
  • many people shielding under an umbrella 𠆢
  • ⓢ many people (split in two and upside down) shielding under an umbrella 𠆢
RSold, classic, ancient
  • RS. story having passed through ten mouths
  • old people have many a story to tell
opp.: ; ;
thief, traitor, rebel, harm, kill
  • person using a weapon to steal 10 times more money
plan, plot, strategem, scheme, measure
  • something containing many many words ; measuring is of the utmost importance in planning
  • calculate ten times the imaginary unit (i in mathematics)
; ; ; ; 調
RSnoon, 7th terrestrial branch, horse
  • when many people 𠂉 gather to eat
  • horsehead
  • looks like a pestle with it's rounded end 𠂉: At noon, I use the pestle to make myself some food for lunch
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